Explaining Why It's Hypocritical for Modern Day "Empowered" Women to Use Evo Psych When It Comes to Height

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If you're curious about what article they're talking about, it's here. It's just some dating shit written by a feminist.

I wanted to focus on the evo psych aspect. Everyone loves this stuff until it's used on a politically protected group (like women). For example, people tend to take men more seriously than women, because men are biologically bigger and more powerful on average. Of course, we must question if a mainstream website would publish an article containing this idea when talking about gender issues. If a person tries to argue against women being in the police force due to biology, it's again considered discrimination by many. This stuff is taboo until it comes to male height, then everybody wants to talk caveman style. These same people would probably consider a mainstream article about how older women are biologically inferior to be offensive.

Related reading: Studies show more primitive tribal cultures do not care about height the way we do.