"Roots of Napoleon complex may be justified: Study finds short men get short end of stick in life"

Another popular website, The Washington Post, published an article about the height wage gap, again using lame height puns and worst of all, the following quote:

"He also said it will be important to look at internally-driven issues, such as low self-esteem and depression."

I found this from supportfortheshort.org, and I agree with what the webmaster said:

"It's very strange; when other "groups" claim to experience lower success rates, the media - and others - ALWAYS seem to point to discrimination as the cause. When it's short-stature we're talking about, then "it's important to look at internally-driven issues, such as low self-esteem and depression".

This Washington Post article is extra hilarious, since it brings the good ol' Napoleon Complex into the equation. What's the complex for women or minorities when they try to overcome disadvantages? Never mind how this study says short man complex/syndrome is flat out bullshit: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/6501633.stm

More about these wage studies: http://heightismandothershit.blogspot.ca/2016/03/short-men-and-heavier-women-earn-less.html