I find it funny when those who talk about height prejudice are told to "go back to tumblr" or labeled as SJWs or any other online buzzword. I wish most of the "body positive" feminist types from tumblr also oppose height discrimination, but they don't. I've seen just as much height bigotry from self-proclaimed egalitarian types as people who are proudly sexist or racist or whatever. Hell, the most mind-blowing thing for me was seeing others defend fat people vehemently (which is fine), but then these same individuals turn around and attack short men with unoriginal puns and stereotypes.
Why do people even engage in virtue signalling?
It's because it's politically correct (and encouraged) to defend women,
racial minorities, homosexuals, trans, even fat people, etc. Sure, this
behavior enrages people over the Internet, but in real life, you get
brownie points. It's the easiest way to feel like a "good person." This is the key difference here: it is not considered rude or politically incorrect to discriminate based on height (for males anyway).
We must remember that the 'S' in 'SJW' stands for "social." Anything primarily
affecting men is not considered a social issue, and therefore cannot be
used to gain praise, attention, or sympathy. I'm not talking about the
Internet, I'm talking real life, like in a university or something. SJWs
may be blasted on the web, but let's be honest, they hold all the power
in actual society. Schools, media, everyone caters towards them, which
is why we see modern movies and video games adopting feminist views. If
height prejudice was considered a social issue, you'd hear about it all
the time, and mainstream fiction would shoehorn in badass short male characters.
They don't, so all those who fear the SJW boogeymen can rest easy. (2018 update: I'm talking about characters like the neon haired woman or pudgy Asian girl in the recent Star Wars Last Jedi film. The Asian girl's male equivalent would never get a role like that, he'd be Bobby Lee or something.)
Most people don't really care about discrimination, because
they discriminate based on height all the time. The only thing that
saves other groups is political correctness/historical implications, not
empathy. Society doesn't make it a mission to defend short men, like they do with women's body image or something, society does the opposite. You lose social standing if you don't think shortness is deserving of being mocked. Again, the Internet may have contingents of people who hate "SJWs," but in real life, even if somebody doesn't like it, it'd be social suicide to call out someone defending fat women or whatever else.
Mock a short man at a social gathering (like a party, family dinner, work, etc.), then try the same with an obese woman. Which would be considered more rude? That's the difference. SJWs at least have each other, and they've scared enough average people into behaving themselves. Click here and here to see how the "SJW" types take weight issues seriously. They themselves admit they're hypocritical, although I had to dig for this because every other time, they snicker at the idea that heightism exists and consider it a made up buzzword (coined in 1971 mind you). Again, this is a known "SJW" community, a perfect example of how people can be trained to care about something (especially if it affects women), but scoff at other forms of prejudice. The "SJWs" themselves will admit height prejudice is not considered a social issue (but of course weight is).
If you're a short man and you talk of heightism, you're labeled as
insecure, or an angry midget with a syndrome/complex. If you're not
short but you defend short people, you're ruining everyone's fun and
games. Even bringing this up is socially taboo and politically
incorrect, and everyone will band together to defend their prejudice.
They'll use everything from the fallacy of relative privation, to
evo-psych, to "it's just a prank bro," because nobody wants to think of
themselves as a bigot. Yes, even "tumblr types" do this.
Basically, I'm saying even if some short dude wanted to join in on the SJW fun, he'd be a useful idiot at best. They will never actually get to talking about height discrimination, because many of these people either hate short men themselves, or they're just plain ignorant on the facts.
New bonus: Buzzfeed (a site that talks about "body image" issues) publishes a video promoting tall people.