Different Reactions to Angry People Based On Height

Short guy rages over Tim Hortons:

According to reddit: "If that's not a Napoleon complex, I don't know what is."

Tall guy rages over a mattress:

According to most people in the comments section, just some asshole.

Here's another man losing his cool, this time over a video game: https://old.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/9ygfko/angry_customer_destroys_gamestop_store_over/. At best it's funny, at worst he's a jerk for overreacting. Either way, average height and tall men do not shoulder the blame as a group.

Speaking of video game stores, here's a tall transgender going apeshit in one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lb6OpRfyLFo. What complex or syndrome would people (especially the politically correct) say transgenders/crossdressers have?

When a short guy gets fired up the exact same way some average or tall guy does, it suddenly becomes typical of short men:

Many claim "nobody cares about height but you" whenever height bias is being discussed, yet when we look at how thousands of people focus on height in situations where height is irrelevant, prejudices are made clear. Check out the reaction to the rapper Bow Wow's domestic violence incident: http://heightismhub.freeforums.net/thread/344/bow-fiasco-leads-short-bashing

On the other hand, when 6'3 baseball player Danry Vasquez beat his girlfriend, I doubt anyone judged the situation based on his height: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5814458/danry-vasquez-baseball-domestic-violence-assault-cctv-footage/

Or how a tall man who was against the George Floyd riots is judged as an individual based on his actions alone, while a short man doing the exact same thing is judged on his height and labeled with short man syndrome. If so many people nowadays didn't pretend to be egalitarian, then they could keep on with the double standards and I wouldn't care, but unfortunately I hate hypocrisy.

Even mainstream websites get in on the action, claiming a common road rage incident was due to "small man syndrome": https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4381924/Motorist-small-man-syndrome-swung-driver.html

What happens when this prejudice is left alone to spread? People start insinuating that short men are more likely to be mass shooters.

Related reading: "The theory that short men end up as more aggressive than taller ones has been dismissed by a scientific study... Heart monitors revealed it was the taller men who flew off the handle more quickly and hit back."