Is Discrimination Okay If the Target Actually Has That Trait?

Recently, a Korean fighter in the UFC named Hyun Gyu Lim was insulted by the opposite corner about the shape of his eyes. One popular defense I've seen to this is, "Well, many Asians do have squinty eyes. It's not racist when it's true."

This isn't the first time I've seen this mentality. I once saw a feminist justify height discrimination, because she was offended by Ben Shapiro. Her excuse was, "Well, he is short, is he not? If any short person is mad at me, then are they saying there's something wrong with being short?"

This is where upbringing comes in. Something tells me that most of these people wouldn't go around mocking blacks about their skin tone or facial features, then say "Well, it's true that you do look that way." Likewise, I doubt many feminists would say, "If a woman is actually fat, then it's not body shaming." By this logic, there would be no such thing as discrimination, which is something not even most "anti-SJWs"would claim as even they complain about straightness/maleness/whiteness being oppressed. Is there anything wrong with those traits? If not, why you mad bro?

Anyway, this is a good reminder to stand up for each other. Because ironically, often times the person actually on the receiving end of the prejudice has no say in the matter. If it's not the excuse discussed in this post, then it's something else, like calling the person insecure or whatever else.