Different Height Requirements for Men and Women

These are Mexico's height requirements for police officers:

Click photo for source.

I always get a kick out of these when they have different requirements for men and women, like a 5'5 woman being okay, but 5'5 men GTFO. If this isn't heightism then I don't know what is.

When it comes to these jobs, what can a short woman do that a man of the same height can't? The average 5'5 man is still stronger than the average tall woman, let alone a short one.

Simply put, this is all about appearances, like making a Hollywood actor stand on a box so he's taller than his female co-star.

Here's another case of this from Singapore, where a 5'2 woman is A-okay for Dunkin' Donuts, but a 5'2 man is not:


Wouldn't be surprised if we see more of this in the future, as heightism goes unchecked and encouraged.