How to Be a "Cool Short Person"

"But much like racial minorities, short people are tricked into thinking that they are less than everyone else. Stature stereotypes, just like racial ones, greatly impact their victim's self-esteem and self-image. Some short people, in response to these stereotypes, develop a stereotypical short-person personality."
"The most documented of these is the Napoleon Complex. This affects short men who feel they must overcompensate in machismo or success for what they lack in height. They are quick to anger and eager to show off. An example: Some friends were walking out of class. A bunch of us jumped up to tap the top of the doorway as we exited, except for our Napoleon friend, who missed, backed up to hit it again, missed ... and wouldn't let anyone leave until he'd proved his manliness to us all. Needless to say, we were all very impressed."
"There is a female version of this which, for lack of a better term, I have dubbed Rhea Perlman Complex. Women with Rhea Perlman Complex abhor the cute and helpless stereotype attached to short women. So they go out of their way to let everyone know they don't need help, they're not cute and they better not be messed with. And they have a tendency to curse like sailors."

"If you should ever come across one of these, whether you are male or female, do not offer them help. Even if she is carrying a 50-pound bag of rice or towing a busload of school children, do not help. You will be met only with a contemptuous glare and a declaration of "No thank you, I'll do it myself."
"If you've met any of the types of people I've just described, please don't judge them. They've been discriminated against and don't know how to deal with their frustration. But don't worry. In time, most of them outgrow their confusion and land in the final category: cool short person. Cool short people are really funny because, like all people outside of "normal," they've learned not to take themselves so seriously. They laugh when they notice that the junior-high kids on Bruin Walk are taller than them."

This would be like laughing because you're darker than a black person. I just don't get the punchline. Why is it laughable to be shorter than someone? I don't believe it's "taking myself too seriously" to question this.

I also think it's funny how short people are absolutely not allowed to be strong/independent. Even if that's genuinely your identity, you will have it linked to your height, as if the Napoleon Complex is real (it isn't). It's like us short people have to pretend some 50-lb bag of rice is heavy, or else we're trying to prove something.

I doubt anyone would question some tall guy who wants to take care of business himself. If he ever wants to prove something, he'd just be ambitious, a loner at most with a chip on his shoulder. He wouldn't have some "complex" linked to his height. My 5'11 friend used to go to the gym, and would get annoyed whenever some guy tried to help him. Of course, since he isn't short, he gets a free pass on the height thing.

Ironic how these excerpts come from a site called "shortsupport." You know the old saying: with friends like these, who needs enemies? If you're a short person, don't fall for this type. When someone uses the Napoleon Complex to slander short men and women, they've given up a long time ago.

24/10/2015 update: As a pro-wrestling fan, I came across an interview from 6'2 wrestler Ryback. Doesn't matter if you don't know him, just read this excerpt because it's related:
"I like to win. I like to be my best. Here’s an example. At camp a few months ago, there was a pingpong table. I love pingpong. Since I was a kid, I’d always play pingpong. Now, Jimmy Uso and Adrian Neville both kicked my ass playing pingpong. I played them 10 games each. I couldn’t let it go.” - Source
Guaranteed if he was a short man, he'd be labeled with a complex. I fucking guarantee it. Short man stereotypes are pure confirmation bias.