Short Pro Wrestler Tries to Call Out Society's Double Standard Regarding Height


I say "tries to" because she was met with the usual suspects in the replies.

The most common excuse for the double standard is that society hates fat people more than short people:

What proof do they have for this claim? Especially considering how I can prove the opposite quite easily using both anecdotal and statistical evidence. As for the medical issue, what do fat people expect? It's literally logistics. It's insane how weight is controllable, yet the world is expected to change to accommodate the morbidly obese. Instead of taking responsibility and losing weight in order to fit something, they want it the other way around, and it's considered oppression when they don't get their way: [1][2]. Heavy smokers are also often denied medical care, should they be a protected group too? We're expected to view fat people the same way as a disabled person or a racial minority, when in reality fat people have more in common with a drug addict. It shouldn't be okay to bully a junkie, but let's also stop acting like they became that way by chance. On the other hand, while height is uncontrollable like race, it's often fair game to disrespect a short person.

This isn't the first time all of this has happened to a wrestler though. Back in 2018, another wrestler also tried to address this issue and was met with the typical responses, where people attempted to drown him out with labels such as  "insecure" and "short man syndrome":

He references his failed attempt here:

But as they say, it's the thought that counts.

It takes guts to be a short public figure and discuss this topic, because you will be met with gaslighting, deflection, hypocrisy, and ad hominems. You will be tarnishing your image in an attempt to make society a slightly better place. After all, a truly confident short person never raises their voice about this stuff. At least, that's what I've been told by most of the people on /r/short.