Silly Mentality of the Day: "If You Don't Care About Your Own Height, Nobody Else Will."

Somehow, this ridiculous notion is parroted every once in a while. If schools actually cared about education, everyone would know what the just-world fallacy is by now. This whole idea based in solipsism makes no sense. It's one thing to say "don't let other people's judgements break you." I support that idea. It's another to blame the person being judged, like anyone who ever gets targeted didn't love themselves enough.

Humans judge others based on looks. Always have. Let's say some man had a micropenis and doesn't think about it. Do most women not notice that when he takes his pants off? I also wonder what made all of the people in this link start talking about short men’s height.

Considering how South Korea has "stretching clinics," and sperm banks have a height requirement, clearly this world cares about height. Sperm banks also ban people based on diseases and education, but you don't see anyone saying, "Nobody cares about schooling or illnesses but you."

This has nothing to do with how an individual perceives their own stature. Even if a short man is proud of his height, it's viewed as an objective flaw by the majority of society. In fact, the less a short man hates his own height, the more insecure others claim he is [1][2].

All in all, I wholeheartedly endorse the idea of not obsessing about looking taller and not hating one's own height. What I do not promote is the delusion in thinking prejudice goes away if you imagine it really hard. Imagine if people gave this same message to women who suffer from eating disorders. "Nobody cares about your weight but you." Instead, everyone else is lectured about body shaming. Funny how that works.