Let's Talk About Labeling Any Short Man Who Doesn't Know His Place As "Insecure"

I'll put this very simply. If I was mocking some girl about her breast size or randomly asked for her bodyfat percentage, then she flipped me off, most people would side with the girl. One doesn't even need to outright insult a girl with small breasts, just imply that they're a flaw. Also keep in mind how if a woman is insecure about her body, society empathizes with her and blames how everyone else is being unrealistic and cruel ("unrealistic beauty standards, body shaming," etc.)

When it comes to height, if a short man has a problem with mistreatment about his stature, people will label him as "insecure" [1][2] in order to ignore him. Either that, or he has a complex/syndrome. It's a blatant silencing tactic that is used on any man who questions these double standards. It's especially funny when the guy turns out to be tall, as seen in the thread below:

A short white knight attempts to use the "insecure" label to shut down the discussion, and he's initially upvoted. But when it's revealed that the guy he's accusing of insecurity is 6'2, all of a sudden the white knight is downvoted and the original point being made is now legitimate. Had the tall guy not revealed his true height, he would have been branded as a bitter napoleon and cast aside, while the white knight would be hailed as the epitome of what a short male should be: a good boy who doesn't question anything. This tells me that a short man and a tall man could make the exact same point, but that message is dismissed if it's coming from the shorter one. Either way, shedding light on hypocrisy isn't something to be shamed.