Tall Men and Short Women Equating Their Issues to Short Men's

It's not uncommon to see tall men or short women comparing their plights to short men.

To the tall men who do this: there's a reason why sperm banks ban all men below average height from donating, but not tall men. The ideal male is literally described as "tall, dark, and handsome." So what does that say about how male height is viewed? Ultimately, this is like a pretty person comparing themselves to an ugly one, on the sole basis that both receive comments about their looks. Or a rich person saying they understand a poor person's financial issues because they're both money-related. Tall men will also often equate physical issues like airplane legroom to discrimination, even though a short person could also just say something like "it's harder to reach things when you're shorter." We're not talking about physical issues here.

As for short women, it seems like some people fail to understand how certain traits are viewed more negatively depending on the gender. Take a girl with a high voice compared to a man with the same. Or a flat chest on a male versus a female.

Does everyone have their own problems? Sure. But the false equivalencies are getting out of hand. The kind of mocking that a tall guy or short girl receives is something about basketball or the top shelf. The kind of "mocking" that short men receive is "short men deserve to die." Good luck finding a similar amount of vitriol towards tall men or short women compared to short men: https://twitter.com/heightismxposed.

P.S. It's also interesting how in our culture, it's taboo to randomly comment on a woman's weight let alone make fun of it. Yet when it comes to height, it's a free-for-all, and the responsibility to behave accordingly is on the short person (despite how one trait is more controllable than the other). But this is for another discussion.