Just Saw People Comparing Being a Short Man to Being a Pedophile

This was in response to someone wondering why discrimination based on height is okay, but fat shaming isn't, even though height is less controllable. The rebuttal is that being a pedophile is also uncontrollable, but we still judge people on that. Now I have seen it all.

Even if the paraphilia itself isn't controllable, the choice to act on those urges is controllable. Nobody can tell someone is a pedophile if they're just standing there, but you can see a person's height clear as day in public. When pedophiles genuinely can't help themselves from committing the crime, then there's a reason why the law goes easier on those who successfully plea insanity: because it's uncontrollable. Yet when height is less controllable than weight, we are more accepting and harsher when discriminating based on it. Where's the logic?

People are so desperate to justify their hypocrisy, they're willing to place a photo of their face next to the definition of "false equivalency." When an aspect of a person is immutable, be it height or mental illness, being unnecessarily judgmental about it is an asshole move. And anyone who thinks being an asshole to short men is also uncontrollable better be able to prove it, because I'm pretty sure if someone held a gun to their head and told them to shut up, they'd suddenly be able to.

For more endless mental gymnastics trying to justify the height vs. weight double standard, go here: https://heightismandothershit.blogspot.com/2018/10/insane-mental-gymnastics-when-asking.html