Fortunately, it seems like many of the people in the comments are sick of this hypocrisy and don't buy the excuses, especially since the talking points from these women and white knights are trash. "You can't gauge a person's height in photos but you can tell their weight. 200 lbs looks different depending on the girl. Women don't mean to offend when they ask about men's height. Only an insecure man would call out my double standards. What about eating disorders? Men should respond by asking for the woman's height too." Etc etc.
Keep in mind people regularly take selfies at an angle in order to conceal their weight, or use an older photo from a while back when they were thinner. Also, popular 6'3 actress Gwendoline Christie is listed between 160 - 185 lbs. So if a woman is 200+ lbs, she better be a bloated powerlifter or near 7 feet tall. Now tell me how many women you know that fit either profile. Ultimately, what I've gathered is that men should be asking for women's BMI or breast size instead, because there's also no way I'm equating female height with male height. People typically care more about a man's height and a woman's weight. "Tall dark and handsome" versus "hourglass figure." This is also why Tinder's height verification "prank" was targeted only towards men. Ask a bunch of random women what their heights are, then ask for their weights, and see which garners a more uncomfortable reaction.
It's also interesting how the responsibility to watch one's mouth is always on the man's side. When women develop eating disorders, it's up to the rest of society to never talk about female weight. But despite height related suicide, dysphoria, leg lengthening surgery, and a desire for HGH abuse, it all doesn't count because there's no official label like "height disorder" (which also makes it seem like eating disorders didn't exist right until they were officially coined). If an adult male ever speaks tactlessly, the focus is on him to watch how he talks from now on. But when it's convenient, women are portrayed like children who don't think before speaking, so men need to simply tolerate that. Just like how a kid doesn't know any better, neither does a grown woman, so the responsibility to act accordingly is once again on men. The irony here is that those who are defending women are making the female gender seem like they have no self-awareness or agency. Instead of taking this as an opportunity for some introspection ("maybe I should talk to people the way I want to be talked to"), people would rather continue to walk around like zombies. After all, that's the real reason behind men countering the height issue by talking about weight. It's not due to insecurity or a desire to cause offense. It's meant to highlight the double standards and get people thinking. Even some women have started making the same point, so I would love to know what their alleged agenda is.
The other way to tackle this is to get into some long explanation or debate with a stranger on a dating app, but good luck getting someone to stay long enough to care. Or just ignore them, but then they remain ignorant and hypocritical for the rest of their life (anyone who recommends this course of action should also take their own advice and ignore all the people replacing height with weight). The final response is a simple word replacement exercise, where replacing height with weight acts like a mirror. If somebody doesn't like the reflection, that's too bad. Notice how most of men don't respond to "what's your height?" with "fuck you landwhale" or any such thing. They literally just replace height with weight. If any woman is offended by her own line of questioning, almost word for word, then perhaps something is wrong on her end. You know the old saying. Don't dish it out if you can't take it back. The lesson here is "If you don't like this particular thing being done to you, then why are you doing it to others?" The intelligent response would be to say "I've never thought about it, but you're right." Instead, it seems like the strategy is to come up with a hundred and one excuses for why women should be allowed to talk wantonly about male height, but men should never talk about female weight.
The only reason this is even an issue is because we're all taught from a young age to never talk about a woman's weight. Unfortunately for the apologists out there, just the fact that height is less controllable than weight, means there is nothing anyone can say that will convince me one is okay to discuss but not the other. Yes, even if a short person disagrees with me. There's a reason why it's more frowned upon to judge a person's skin color compared to their political beliefs for example. So if anyone gets offended by the weight question, then that's their problem, because it's literally just a less strict version of the height question.