"Short Men Shouldn't Act This Way, It Only Perpetuates Negative Stereotypes." Part 3

Penalties for women who violate prescriptive gender stereotypes
Evidence suggests that female faculty members may suffer social reprisals for violating the prescriptive gender stereotypes that women should be deferential and not challenge authority. In one qualitative study of five medical schools, female faculty members reported “feeling as if they were treated like teenagers…or singled out as ‘disruptive to the department when they spoke up.” In another study, female residents felt pressured to avoid a “bossy” or “aggressive” tone when directing patient care. In the words of one senior male resident: “Ive seen men able to say things in just terrible tones, but its just accepted. Whereas if a woman tried that…” Apprehension of the negative consequences of transgressing prescriptive gender stereotypes can lead to self-silencing, in which female faculty “play it safe” and avoid speaking up in departmental meetings and other forums. - Source

Sounds familiar. If you don't know what talking about, here are Part 1 and Part 2. There I discuss how short men are obligated to be more docile than everyone else, or else it's "confirmed" that short men have a complex. The difference here is that people these days try to empower women by telling them to go against this mindset. Short men are expected to go along with it.

"If women don't want to be labeled as bossy, always avoid being aggressive or too assertive."

"If short men don't want to be labeled with Napoleon Complex/Short Man Syndrome, always avoid being aggressive or too assertive."

It's funny how one is considered illogical, oppressive, and unfair, but the other is a genius revelation. Technically, both solutions do prevent the person from being negatively labeled, but do people not see what's wrong with this in and of itself? A woman could avoid being called a bitch by simply being more submissive than men have to, but the fact that someone has to do that in the first place is the real problem.

Also inb4 "discrimination against women is more documented so it's only wrong to do this to them." Someone broke my entire arm, so I'm only going to break one of your fingers (more on this mentality here). Hypothetically, would it be okay to tell women to be more meek than men if sexism had less historical significance?

Fact of the matter is that we're all (supposedly) equal members of society. Someone shouldn't need to behave more than another from birth till death just for being born a certain way, just to not be discriminated against. Others need to be made aware of their behavior and prejudices.

The following is courtesy of HeightismReport:

For those who don't know, there is a ridiculous belief that short men should be forced to act in a way that "does not reinforce" stereotypes, and the other end of this belief is that short men have to act in a way to dispel the stereotypes. This is a bunch of nonsense because short men did not create these stereotypes, these stereotypes are nothing more than hateful beliefs that shift the blame onto short men so as to justify the hateful beliefs held by heightists.

A marginalized group who are burdened with unfair stereotypes cannot do anything to dispel or confirm the stereotypes. It makes no sense to place such a burden on a powerless group that had no power to prevent the stereotypes to begin with. The only way to dispel these stereotypes is by holding the people who believe in them accountable for being hateful folk wisdom that is convenient to their agenda. These stereotypes are nothing but attempts to put short men in a Catch-22 where the application of stereotypes can be used by the status-quo for any reason.

These stereotypes lead to a narrative where the actions of short men are policed, and the stereotypes are used as a controlling mechanism ensuring that short men don't step "out of line." The stereotypes were created with hatred as the backbone, and there's no type of behavior that short men can engage in to disprove the stereotypes, and on the other hand, short men can't confirm the stereotypes because all of the confirmation took place when bigots decided they were going to believe the stereotypes to begin with and reject all conflicting evidence.

It's not up to short men to eradicate stereotypes they didn't have a say in creating, it's up to society to stop sowing the seeds of bigotry that are supplanted by the indoctrinated distaste everyone is taught to have in regard to short men. This isn't just an issue where bigots use these stereotypes, it's an issue where short men use the threat of "confirming stereotypes" to silence other short men, and this is unacceptable.

Here's another good comment on this topic:

"If other people stereotype short men, then that is their problem. They are in the wrong for making assumptions about "all short men", not me. If I hold opinion X, I shouldn't have to change my opinion just because some heighest bigots conclude that since I believe X, all short people believe X. It's as ridiculous as asking a black person who likes watermelons to stop liking watermelons lest he perpetuates the racist stereotype. It seems as though you're implicitly justifying or rationalizing stereotyping short people, while ironically accusing us of being in the wrong for stereotyping women."

People often give short men advice such as, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Basically, if a short person becomes depressed or suicidal due to heightism, they chose that state of mind. Sounds dubious, but if that's what we're going with, then I'm applying the same sense of agency to those who stereotype short men. Nobody can make someone believe a stereotype without their consent.