"Short players might have an easier time overall, too, because studies show tall players get called for fouls by referees more frequently—potentially because people associate height with aggression."
Instead of simply saying "tall players commit more fouls," they'll phrase it like tall people are negatively affected by height bias. Yet we have to remember how it's short people who receive the "angry midget" stereotype. Hypothetically, if short players were called out by referees more often, they'd probably say "short players commit more fouls due to short man syndrome/napoleon complex." After all, that's what researchers claim when short men hoard more resources or (ironically) call more fouls when refereeing.
Basically, confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance are motherfuckers. If there's something that can be used to make shortness look bad, they'll blame it on the short person's behavior. It becomes an internal problem innate to short people. When something makes tall people look bad, they'll spin it as an external issue, like bias against tallness. Next they'll tell you ugly people are privileged and attractive faces are a detriment. I can't wait for the influx of surgeries to become shorter and uglier.
Here's a good point from thesocialcomplex:
"If a study came out showing that shorter males masturbate more often than taller males, they’d conclude that this is because shorter males have less access to women and so they more often relieve their sexual frustrations alone. However, if a study came out showing that taller males masturbate more often that shorter males, they’d conclude that this is because taller males are more virile and have a greater sexual libido than shorter males."