"Is Heightism As Unacceptable As Racism?" By BBC

"This time, the BBC proves that heightism is one of the last celebrated forms of widespread bigotry left in the world.  The broadcast doesn’t take the issue seriously until the part about tall people facing social stigma.  Whenever the issue of heightism was brought up otherwise, one can hear Randy Newman’s offensive ballad “Short People” playing in the background. 

Then, for no reason, the piece claims that shorter people are less intelligent than taller people and that smarter people tend to mate with tall people.  So, instead of addressing the social prejudice, the BBC chooses to partake in it and cite out-of-context studies to justify height bigotry. 
And, in the final analysis, the BBC implies that height bigotry is morally acceptable because height is not a protected class under UK law.  One wonders if homophobia and bigotry against gays was also morally acceptable when it was perfectly legal to discriminate against gay people in the United Kingdom?"

Fuck you BBC. You can read the original post here.